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《MIB星際戰警》編劇想替影迷解惑被打槍w「我們不需要老白男的意見」 | 葉羊報報

 原汁原味的內容在這裡說到老白男,湯米李瓊斯表示:......我想大家電影看得多了,可能多少都會認得一些電影圈幕後的重要人物的長像,例如導演或是製片~不過要認到編劇,除非編劇很有名,不然觀眾記得的編劇名字就已經是少數,再認得面孔實在有點難度。最近一位名叫Ed Solomon的推主,就在推特上分享了一段故事:身邊陌生人在討論《MIB星際戰警》劇情,他主動想要為之解惑,卻被嗆「我們不需要老白男的意見」。但是Ed Solomon是誰?他正是《MIB星際戰警》的編劇啊!好萊塢名編劇Ed Solomon,他筆下作品包括基努·李維《阿比和阿弟的冒險》系列、《出神入化》系列、《霹靂嬌娃》以及《MIB星際戰警》最近他在推特上分享了這段故事:「在我寫作的咖啡聽,坐在我旁邊的人對《星際戰警》的起源無法達成一致,所以我說『如果你們願意,我可以跟你們解惑』結果其中一個回應『很抱歉,但我們不需要老白男的意見』所以我道了歉,事情就這樣了。」At the cafe where I' 'm writing the people next to me were disagreeing about the origins of Men in Black & I said "If you' 'd like, I could clear that up for you" & one responded: "I' 'm sorry, we do not need an old white male' 's mansplanation." So I apologized and that was that.— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 15, 2019 「(順便一提,這不是他們說的第一句話,在他們吃飯我工作中間,我們就各種話題互相閒聊了一下)」 (And by the way - it' 's not like that was the first thing that was said; we' 'd actually exchanged small talk about various things over the course of their meal and my work.)— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 15, 2019  「然後在他們離開餐廳時,他的朋友向我道歉,告訴我說我只是剛好碰上他們不順利的一天,我告訴他不用擔心,不需為此道歉,她說『不管怎麼樣,她不該那樣說你老的』然後我真的大笑出聲了」 Okay, on the way out of the bathroom as they were leaving her friend apologized & said I just got them on a bad day for that, & I said no worries, no need to apologize & she said "Well regardless she shouldn' 't' 've used the word ' 'old' ' like that" & I literally laughed out loud— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 15, 2019  「不是說這很重要,不過我從來沒聽過mansplanation(男人用自以為是的態度向女人解釋事情)這個字,還以為這是正面的意思,然後她說她很確定她的朋友說的只是『解釋』,所以我也有可能聽錯了(這重要嗎?不重要;我應該回去工作嗎?應該)」 Not that it matters, when I said I' 'd never heard the world manspanation, which I thought was a good word, she said she was pretty sure her friend had said "explanation" and so it' 's possible I heard it incorrectly. (Does this matter? No. Should I get back to work? Yes.)— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 15, 2019  這件事當然上了不少電影討論版,稍後,Ed Solomon又更新了後續!「她寫信給我了!她在reddit上看到這個故事,發現她就是當事人,於是跟我連絡了!我的天啊她人真好,她真的讓我覺得很有意思,因為最後她問:『PS:到底誰是對的?我還是我朋友?』(她說的是關於她們的歧見,她是對的)」SHE WROTE TO ME! She saw this thread on Reddit and realized it was her and she reached out! Oh my god it was so sweet. And she really made me laugh at the end cause she said basically “PS which one of us was right, me or my friend?” (About their disagreement) (it was her)— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 15, 2019  網友們也與這位編劇繼續交換了很多意見  「你沒有亮出身份真是不簡單」Heroic restraint on your part.— local_celebrity (@local_celebrity) October 15, 2019 編劇:「說真的,我在這世界上最喜歡的事情,就是讓人們在不知情的情況下吐嘈我的作品,說得越糟糕越好(我通常會附和他們,然後加上自己的意見)」seriously one of my favorite things in the world is getting people to trash talk a movie I wrote without them knowing I wrote it. the worse the better. (I do this by agreeing - and then adding stuff)— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 15, 2019  「我很好奇你可以說『嗨陌生人我不小心聽到了你們的討論我就是《MIB星際戰警》的編劇喔』,因為很不幸的是,我相信很多女人都有被別的老白男用好像他們是編劇的態度打斷她們的討論,但他們都不是編劇。」I’m wondering if you’d said “Hi strangers I couldnt help but overhear your conversation and I am the guy who wrote MIB.” Because, unfortunately, many women have experienced too much interrupting mansplaining from random old white males who talk like they wrote MIB, but did not.— Heather “Hex Ed.” Gray (@hsgray) October 15, 2019   「說真的,聽常我會笑笑然後告訴他們那部電影是我寫的,不過我常常想『噢天啊這一定會很好玩的』所以我沒有向他們坦白,然後我接到一通電話,而她們離開了。」In truth, normally I would have laughed and told them I’d written the movie. But the disingenuous thing I did was think “oh man this could be funny” - so I didn’t come forward as transparently. Then I got a call and they left so we couldn’t go further. .— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 16, 2019   「我太太說你應該就說『這電影我寫的』,那會讓她們的日子更有趣的」Words fail me. My wife says you should have said: ‘I wrote it. That would have made their lives more interesting!’— WALDEMAR JANUSZCZAK (@JANUSZCZAK) October 16, 2019  「我本來有打算的,事實上我真的有打算找機會坦白,但我接到一通電話然後她們就離開了。我有經由電子郵件跟她們保持連絡,我們都很好。老實說。她才高中生而已,我對於把這件事變成一個笑話有點不好意思了。」 I was going to. In fact I was planning to milk it, to be honest. But I got a call and then they left. I’ve been in touch with her via email though and tbh it’s been very nice. She’s only in high school. I feel a little bad about turning into a piece of entertainment.— Ed Solomon (@ed_solomon) October 16, 2019   雖然這句話有點離題了,不過~坐在咖啡廳就可以跟好萊塢編劇變成筆友~有點讓人羨慕呢XD 電影,推特,星際戰警,編劇

