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小丑樓梯爆紅《居民對朝聖影迷投擲雞蛋》大喊著「這裡不是觀光客來的地方,你們又不花錢」 | 葉羊報報

結果上周末的精準票房結果出爐,最後《黑魔女2》以10萬美元的差距勝過《小丑》,穩住了自己第2個票房冠軍寶座。不過《小丑》電影的後勁仍然持續發酵,相關話題熱度一直沒有間斷。例如那個位在紐約布朗克斯區的小丑樓梯,因為拍了《小丑》電影裡相當有象徵性的小丑跳舞爆紅,眾多影迷們紛紛來此朝聖,在樓梯上拍下或錄下自己跳舞的身影。但由於布朗克斯區的治安不太好,早就有人警告過在這樓梯上流連遲早被搶。最近發生的例子雖然不是被搶,但是被人用雞蛋攻擊也沒有比較好......原汁原味的內容在這裡最近大紅的這個「小丑樓梯」位在紐約布朗克斯區布朗克斯區是美國紐約市五個行政區之一,區內貧富差距懸殊,貧民區的居民主要由非洲和拉美移民後裔組成,犯罪率高。紐約其他四個區分別是:曼哈頓,夜魔俠出沒的地獄廚房就在曼哈頓中城布魯克林,美國隊長最喜歡說的就是自己是個來自布魯克林的小子皇后區,蜘蛛人在美國隊長英雄內戰曾經跟美國隊長說過他來自皇后區史泰登島 但是由於朝聖的人太多,對當地居民來說,這個幾百階的樓梯非爬不可已經很火大了,還要跟一群觀光客人擠人,沒多久就有來這裡拍照的觀光客被人用雞蛋攻擊的消息這個推特帳號上面上傳了一段一名黑人在樓梯上對拍照民眾投擲雞蛋的畫面影片清楚收到他大喊「你想到了《小丑》嗎?這就是小丑會做的事!你們根本沒人在會在我們的店花錢,只是跑過來自故自拍照,滾出這裡!」 Lmao Keep Thinking Them was 167 Steps Is A Landmark For Tourist ????????. pic.twitter.com/Km6VYqLFmi— Kurohige. (@AddissonDaGr8) October 24, 2019  雖然不知道到底總共有多少人受害,但其中一人是來自台灣的學生???????????? pic.twitter.com/SWrGpIqf01— Geoff (@GeoffyRozay) October 25, 2019 或許是因為布朗克斯的治安本來就差,大部份的人對此都是見怪不怪。就連造成當地居民的反感代不代表他們有權驅趕來此的觀光客,都分為兩派意見「我對那些觀光客感到很抱歉。當我身為一個觀光客早訪其他地方時,我也不希望遭到這種對待。如果問題在於他們不花錢,那可能只是因為你們賣得不是他們需要的,觀光可以有上億的收入,但這種事情並不會讓你們從中獲利」I feel bad for the tourist????.when I visit places as a tourist,i don’t want to be treated like this.if the problem is they’re not buying, probably you’re selling things they don’t need.tourism is billons of dollars as an industry and you’re not gonna benefit from it by doing this.— Sunkissedguy (@Sunkissedguy) October 25, 2019 「他為什麼要朝他們丟雞蛋」Why is he throwing eggs at them— Bobby Turkalino (@KnicksTankSzn) October 25, 2019 「因為他們很煩」cause they annoying— helen (@splenda_bae) October 25, 2019 「你不能因為別人很煩就朝他們丟雞蛋」That' 's not a reason to throw eggs at someone— Bobby Turkalino (@KnicksTankSzn) October 25, 2019 「她們還有更糟糕的東西可以丟,雞蛋已經是最剛好的了」they could be throwing something worse. eggs is appropriate— helen (@splenda_bae) October 25, 2019 「紐約人變溫合了,我本來預期會有更兇狠的東西,不是該死的雞蛋而已」New York getting soft I expected killer bees not no damn eggs ????— El Guapo ???? (@Lucky_LACity) October 25, 2019 「『洋基棒球場才是觀光客去的地方』沒錯!」“Yankee stadium is where the tourists go!” Big facts! ????— Scam, Likely ???? (@GottaHaveKhy) October 24, 2019 「最慘的是如果他們想要報復,他們得爬上樓梯才抓得到他,還可能都已經氣喘吁吁的了,或是可能會被踢下樓」The worst part is if they decided to retaliate they gotta either go up the steps to catch him and be out of breath or get drop kicked down the steps ????????????— youngbul never broke again (@wallacefl3) October 25, 2019 「我也不懂,跟我解釋一下為什麼在一個電影拍攝地點拍照是很蠢的事情?在南韓,南怡島在入鏡後就變成了觀光景點。拜託啟發我一下,我真的看不懂問題在哪」I don' 't understand either. Enlighten me why taking pictures on the stairs is dumb because since it' 's a filming location. In South Korea, Nami Island has a spot where filming took place and tourists flocked to take pictures there.Enlighten me, plz. I srsly don' 't see the issue.— Margareth (@MsMargareth) October 26, 2019 「我希望我的解答能幫上你的忙,1. 那些樓梯現在每天仍然有當地居民在使用,有人在那邊遊蕩拍照會對生活造成不便。2,那邊的生活較為貧困,不需要這種注意力或關心」Hopefully helpful reply here. 1. The stairs are actually still in use day to day as a walking path by people in the community. People loitering and picture taking is an inconvenience. Secondly they are in a poorer area that wasn' 't worth any attention or concern— To This Day! To This Day. To This Day! (@NewerDeal) October 26, 2019 「我有點在意這句話『不需要這種注意力或關心』,這種情況很容易就可以改變不是嗎?終於有這麼人蜂擁而至,但結果是他們被丟雞蛋」Also I' 'm a bit concerned with this:' 'a poorer area that wasn' 't worth any attention or concern' 'That is a status quo that can be easily changed. It' 's really up to the people with so many people finally flocking the area. But they got shutdown with eggs.— Margareth (@MsMargareth) October 26, 2019 「我知道這很讓人困惑,但是我得說,電影或是樓梯,打卡景點或是雞蛋都不是重點,在這些東西之下有很多的因素還有歷史的原因導致現在的狀況。」Glad to try to help and yes it can be confusing but I will say it is not unfortunately just about a movie, some stairs, IG pics and eggs. There' 's a lot going on underneath the surface and historically that causes this. Have a good day neighbor in the world.— To This Day! To This Day. To This Day! (@NewerDeal) October 26, 2019  聽起來我覺得像台灣這種眾人會趕快去人多的地方做生意的文化,還是比不爽就丟別人雞蛋好多了。 電影,新奇,小丑,小丑樓梯

